Publicaciones relevantes
Almeida, A., Golpe, A. A., Martín-Alvarez, J. M., & Vides, J. C. (2024). Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate in the US petro derivatives price formation. Petroleum Science, 21(1), 729-739.
Vides, J. C., Feria, J., Golpe, A. A., & Martín-Álvarez, J. M. (2024). How do supply or demand shocks affect the US oil market?. Financial Innovation, 10(1), 16.
Golpe, A. A., Sánchez-Fuentes, A. J., & Vides, J. C. (2023). Fiscal sustainability, monetary policy and economic growth in the Euro Area: In search of the ultimate causal path. Economic Analysis and Policy, 78, 1026-1045.
Martín-Álvarez, J. M., Almeida, A., Golpe, A. A., & Asensio, E. (2023). Electronic device or regulated tobacco product? Learning from the diffusion of heated tobacco products in Spain. Public Health, 219, 61-66.
Andueza, A., Arco-Osuna, D., Ángel, M., Fornés, B., González-Crespo, R., & Martín-Álvarez, J. M. (2023). Using the statistical machine learning models arima and sarima to measure the impact of COVID-19 on official provincial sales of cigarettes in Spain.International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 8(1), 73-87.
Del Arco-Osuna, M. Á., Blasco, J., Almeida, A., & Martín-Álvarez, J. M. (2023). Impact of the Spanish smoke-free laws on cigarette sales by brands, 2000–2021: Evidence from a club convergence approach. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 21.
Almeida, A., Golpe, A. A., Martin-Álvarez, J. M., & Vides, J. C. (2023). The Effect of the US Quantitative Easing on the Term Structure. A Spatial Panel Model. Finance a Uver: Czech Journal of Economics & Finance, 73(1).
Cadahia, P., Golpe, A. A., Martín-Álvarez, J. M., & Asensio, E. (2022). The Importance of Price, Income, and Affordability in the Demand for Cigarettes in Spain. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 9(3).
Golpe, A. A., Martín-Álvarez, J. M., Galiano, A., & Asensio, E. (2022). Effect of IQOS introduction on Philip Morris International cigarette sales in Spain: a Logarithmic Mean Divisa Index decomposition approach. Gaceta Sanitaria.
Asensio, E., Almeida, A., Galiano, A., & Martín-Álvarez, J. M. (2022). Using Customer Knowledge Surveys to Explain Sales of Postgraduate Programs: A Machine Learning Approach. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 7(3).
Martín-Álvarez, J.M., Barrientos, J., Millán, J.M. (2022). The relationship between the socio-economic gradient and cigarette consumption in Spain. Adicciones. 34(2), 94-109.
Ortega-Ruiz, G., Mena-Nieto, A., Golpe, A. A., & García-Ramos, J. E. (2022). CO2 emissions and causal relationships in the six largest world emitters. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162, 112435.
Rojas-Torres, I. L., Ahmad, M. A., Martín-Álvarez, J. M., Golpe, A. A., & Herrera, R. D. J. G. (2022). Mental health, suicide attempt, and family function for adolescents’ primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. F1000Research, 11(529), 529.
Vides, J. C. (2022). Long memory linkages amongst Latin American stock markets. A fractional cointegration approach. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 51(1), 77-101.
Cadahia, P., Golpe, A., Martín-Álvarez, J. M., & Asensio, E. (2021). Measuring anomalies in cigarette sales using official data from Spanish provinces: Are the anomalies detected by the Empty Pack Surveys (EPSs) used by Transnational Tobacco Companies (TTCs) the only anomalies?. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 19(December), 1-12.
Almeida, A., Golpe, A., & Justo, R. (2021). Regional tourist heterogeneity in Spain: A dynamic spatial analysis. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 21, 100643.
Congregado, E., Gałecka-Burdziak, E., Golpe, A. A., & Pater, R. (2021). Separating aggregate discouraged and added worker effects: the case of a former transition country. Oeconomia Copernicana, 12(3), 729-760.
Vides, J. C., Carmona, M., Feria, J., & Golpe, A. A. (2021). Modeling the United States crack spread: Market efficiency, persistence and the Verleger hypothesis. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 1-20.
Congregado, E., Gałecka-Burdziak, E., Golpe, A. A., & Pater, R. (2021). Unemployment invariance hypothesis and structural breaks in Poland. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 24, e00198.
Martín-Álvarez JM, Almeida A, Golpe AA, Vides JC (2021). Influencia del precio de los cigarrillos en España: Un análisis de descomposición Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index desde 1957 hasta 2018. Revista Española Salud Pública. Vol 95: 9 de febrero 2021.
Almeida, A., Golpe, A. & Justo, R. (2021). From Hot to Cold. A Spatial Analysis of Entrepreneurship in the United States. Papers in Regional Science. (Forthcoming. Aceptado 12/01/2021).
Almeida, A., Galiano, A., Golpe, A. A., & Martín-Álvarez, J. M. (2021). The Usefulness of Marketing Strategies in a Regulated Market: Evidence from the Spanish Tobacco Market. E&M Economics and Management, 24(2), 171–188.
Almeida, A., Golpe, A .A., Iglesias J., Martín-Álvarez J.M. (2021) The Price Elasticity of Cigarettes: New Evidence From Spanish Regions, 2002–2016, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, , ntaa131,
Martín-Álvarez, J.M., Almeida, A., Galiano, A., A.A. Golpe (2020) Asymmetric behaviour of tobacco consumption in Spain across the business cycle: a long-term regional analysis. International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 20, 391–421 (2020).
Almeida, A., Galiano, A., Golpe, A.A., Martín-Álvarez, J.M. (2020) Regional unemployment and cyclical sensitivity in Spain. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 13, 187–199
Almeida, A., Golpe, A.A., Martín-Álvarez (2020) A spatial analysis of the Spanish tobacco consumption distribution: Are there any consumption clusters? Public Health, Volume 186, Pages 28-30, ISSN 0033-3506,
Martín-Álvarez, J.M., A.A. Golpe, J. Iglesias, R. Ingelmo (2020) Price and income elasticities of demand for cigarette consumption: what is the association of price and economic activity with cigarette consumption in Spain from 1957 to 2016?, Public Health, Volume 185, 2020,
Pages 275-282, ISSN 0033-3506,
Vides, J. C., Golpe, A. A., & Iglesias, J. (2020). The impact of the term spread in US monetary policy from 1870 to 2013. Journal of Policy Modeling.
Congregado, E., Gałecka-Burdziak, E., Golpe, A., & Pater, R. (2020). Asymmetry and Non-linearity in Discouraged and Added Worker Effects. Eastern European Economics, 58(3), 221-241.
Vides, J. C., Golpe, A. A., & Iglesias, J. (2020). The EHTS and the persistence in the spread reconsidered. A fractional cointegration approach. International Review of Economics & Finance.
Caro, J. M. B., Golpe, A. A., Iglesias, J., & Vides, J. C. (2020). A new way of measuring the WTI–Brent spread. Globalization, shock persistence and common trends. Energy Economics, 85, 104546.
Saco, M. & Galiano, A. & Rodríguez, Vicente. (2020). Learning from the sales conversion rate throughout its Product Life Cycle analysis: a case of study for the Spanish Automotive sector. E+M Ekonomie a Management. 23. 184-198.