Artículos del grupo

Publicaciones 2024

1) Influence of the Culture Conditions on Camellia sinensis Cell Cultures

Pilar Esteban-Campos, Pilar Vela, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Ignacio López-Sánchez, Carmen Salinero and Efrén Pérez-Santín

Foods 2024, 13 (15) 2461

2) Químicos verdes, alquimistas de un futuro más limpio

José Ignacio López Sánchez

EL PAÍS. Formación. 08 de septiembre de 2024


3) The Game Theory in Quantum Computers: A Review

Pérez-Antón, Raquel, López-Sánchez, José Ignacio, Corbi, Alberto

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 2024, 8 (6) 6-14

4) Nutrient Deficiency-Induced Stress Improves Skincare Effects and Phytochemical Content of Green Extracts from Lamiaceae In Vitro Cultures

Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Gema Pereira-Caro, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Horticulturae 2024 10(9) 947

5) Phytochemical Characterization and Bioactivity of Extracts from Different Fruit Parts of Opuntia leucotricha DC.: A Comparison between a Conventional Organic Solvent and Green Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents

Ouafaa Hamdoun, Sandra Gonçalves, Inês Mansinhos, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Gema Pereira-Caro, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Mohammed L’bachir El Kbiach, Brahim El Bouzdoudi and Anabela Romano

Horticulturae 2024 10(8) 824

6) Environmental Factors Related to Climate Change Alter the Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Lavandula viridis L’Hér Essential Oil

Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Agriculture 2024 14(7) 1067

7) Machine learning unveils the action of different endogenous phenolic compounds present or formed along the rooting development in olive stem cuttings

Antonio Santos-Rufo, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Ángeles Fernández-Recamales, Ana Sayago-Gómez, Carlos Weiland-Ardáiz

Scientia Horticulturae 2024, 331, 113175

8) Quality parameters and lipid composition of oil extracted from spent coffee grounds: A promising alternative to vegetable oils used for consumption and cosmetic purposes

Faouzi Sakouhi, Chaima Saadi, Ikbel Omrani, Sadok Boukhchina, Raquel Rodriguez Solana

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 2024, 126 (4), 2300230

9) Evaluation of biogenic amine and free fatty acid profiles during the manufacturing process of traditional dry-cured tuna

Mónica Sánchez-Parra, Annalaura Lopez, José Luis Ordóñez-Díaz, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Carlos Montenegro-Gómez, Jesús Pérez-Aparicio, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

Food and Bioprocess Technology 2024, 17 (2) 452-463

10) Comparative analysis of anatomical characteristics and phenolic compounds of two highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars with different rooting ability of semi-hardwood cuttings

Antonio Santos-Rufo, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, M. Ángeles Fernández-Recamales, Ana Sayago-Gómez, Carlos M. Weiland-Ardaiz

Scientia Horticulturae 2024, 324, 112591

11) Predicting the suitable fertilizer for crop based on soil and environmental factors using various feature selection techniques with classifiers

Ganesan Mariammal, Andavar Suruliandi, Kharla Andreina Segovia‐Bravo, Soosaimarian Peter Raja

Expert Systems 2024, 41 (6) e13024

12) Impact of lactic acid bacteria inoculation on fungal diversity during Spanish-style green table olive fermentations

Elio López-García, Verónica Romero-Gil, Francisco Noé Arroyo-López, Antonio Benítez-Cabello

International Journal of Food Microbiology 2024, 417, 110689

13) Impact of 1-Methylcyclopropene in Combination with Heat Shock and Dimethyl Dicarbonate on the Physicochemical Profiles of Table Olive Fermentations

Elio López-García, Antonio Benítez-Cabello, Francisco Rodríguez-Gómez, Virginia Martín-Arranz, Verónica Romero-Gil, Francisco Noé Arroyo-López, Antonio Garrido-Fernández

Food and Bioprocess Technology 2024, 1-15

14) Evaluación de la seguridad a nivel genómico de cepas de Lactiplantibacillus aisladas de fermentaciones vegetales mediante análisis in silico

Elio López-García, Antonio Benítez-Cabello, José Luis Ruiz-Barba, Eduardo Medina Pradas, Efstathios Z Panagou, Francisco Noé Arroyo López

Sociedad Española de Microbiota, Probióticos y Prebióticos 2024, 1-15

15) Functional features of the exopolysaccharide extracts produced by Lactiplantibacillus strains isolated from table olives

Elio López-García, Ana Marín-Gordillo, Marina Sánchez-Hidalgo, Javier Ávila-Román, Verónica Romero-Gil, Alejandra Bermúdez-Oria, Antonio Benítez-Cabello, Antonio Garrido-Fernández, Francisco Rodríguez-Gómez, Francisco Noé Arroyo-López

Food & Function 2024, 15 (4) 1938-1947

16) Biodegradation behaviour of pharmaceutical compounds and selected metabolites in activated sludge. A forecasting decision system approach

Carmen Fernández‑López, Mariano González García, Andrés Bueno‑Crespo, Raquel Martínez‑España

Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering (2024) 22:229–243 

17) Capitulo de Libro. Procedimientos de la inocuidad alimentaria: enfoque para la formación online

Jose Luis Reino Moya, Ferrán Acuña Pares, Mariano González García, Efrén Pérez Santín

Colección: Revolucionando la docencia universitaria: innovación educativa en la era de la IA y la gamificación

Editorial: Dykinson, Madrid

Fecha de Edición: 2024

Páginas: 1080

ISBN: 978-84-1070-329-2

18) Congreso: Impacto toxicológico. Por uso de pesticidas agrícolas en el cantón Cuenca (Ecuador)

Mariano González García, Angélica Paola Roldán, Rosana González Combarros, Kharla Andreina Segovia Bravo, Antonio Benítez Cabello, Efrén Pérez Santín, Ignacio López Sanchez

CONAMA 2024 – Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente

Celebrado: Madrid: 2-5 Diciembre 2024. Link

ISBN: 978-84-09-68388-8

Descargar: Artículo y Poster


Publicaciones 2023

1) Pneumolysin as a target for new therapies against pneumococcal infections: A systematic review

María Dolores Cima Cabal, Felipe Molina, José Ignacio López-Sánchez, Efrén Pérez-Santín, María del Mar García-Suárez

Plos One 2023, 18 (3) e0282970

2) Reliability of IBM’s Public Quantum Computers

Raquel Pérez-Antón, Alberto Corbi, José Ignacio López Sánchez, Daniel Burgos

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 2023, 1-19

3) Applicability domains of neural networks for toxicity prediction

Efrén Pérez-Santín, Luis de-la-Fuente-Valentín, Mariano González García, Kharla Andreina Segovia Bravo, Fernando Carlos López Hernández and José Ignacio López Sánchez

AIMS Mathematics 2023, 8 (11) 27858-27900

4) Congreso: 13C solid-state NMR applied to the characterization of high-molecular weight polymers: Sevelamer as a case study

Ponencia oral: José Ignacio López Sánchez

qNMR Summit 2023, March 29-31 Santiago de Compostela


5) El origen y la privacidad de los datos, las trabas de la IA en alimentación

José Ignacio López Sánchez

Agencia EFE:Agro. Inteligencia Artificial en la Cadena Alimentaria. 15 de abril de 2023


6) De la lucha a la adaptación contra el cambio climático

José Ignacio López Sánchez

La Rioja. 8 de mayo de 2023


7) El origen y la privacidad de los datos, las trabas de la IA en alimentación

José Ignacio López Sánchez

La Vanguardia. 15 de abril de 2023


8) Unas enfermedades alimentarias casi erradicadas gracias a los avances en seguridad

Efrén Pérez Santín y José Ignacio López Sánchez

Revista UNIR. Ingeniería y Tecnología, 27 de junio de 2023


9) Congreso: Metabolite production through in vitro Camellia culture (Poster.2.26)

Pilar Esteban. Pilar Vela, Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Carmen Salinero y Efrén Pérez Santín

XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols 2023, 3-6 de Julio, Nantes (Francia)


10) Foods. Special Issue «Chemical Food Safety: Formation, Health Risk Toxicology and Analytical Techniques»

Guest Editors: Dr. Efrén Pérez Santín, Dr. José Ignacio López Sánchez

Deadline 31 January 2024

LinkLinkedin, Twitter, Facebook

11)  Nueva directiva de la calidad del aire de la EU

Dr. José Ignacio López Sánchez

Cadena Ser. Hoy por Hoy La Rioja, 13 septiembre 2023

Link (a partir de min 54)

12) Monitoring changes in the volatile profile of ecuadorian cocoa during different steps in traditional on-farm processing

Cyntia Yadira Erazo Solorzano, Diego Armando Tuárez García, Carlos Edison Zambrano, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Raquel Rodríguez Solana

Plants 2023 12 (22) 3904

13) Effects of different heating treatments on the antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of ecuadorian red dacca banana

Diego Armando Tuárez-García, Hugo Galván-Gámez, Cyntia Yadira Erazo Solórzano, Carlos Edison Zambrano, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Gema Pereira-Caro, Mónica Sánchez-Parra, José M Moreno-Rojas, José L Ordóñez-Díaz

Plants 2023 12 (15) 2780

14) UHPLC-HRMS spectrometric analysis: Method validation and plasma and urinary metabolite identification after mango pulp intake

Salud Cáceres-Jiménez, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Sara Dobani, Kirsty Pourshahidi, Chris Gill, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Tahani M Almutairi, Alan Crozier, Gema Pereira-Caro

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2023 71(30) 11520-11533

15) Impact of the pre-drying process on the volatile profile of on-farm processed Ecuadorian bulk and fine-flavour cocoa varieties

José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Cyntia Yadira Erazo Solorzano, Diego Armando Tuárez García, Gema Pereira-Caro, José Luis Ordóñez Díaz, José Manuel Muñoz–Redondo, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana

Food Research International 2023 169, 112938

16) Impact of Stabilization Method and Filtration Step on the Ester Profile of “Brandy de Jerez”

José Manuel Muñoz-Redondo, Belén Puertas, Manuel José Valcárcel-Muñoz, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

Applied Sciences 2023 13 (6) 3428

17) Effect of drying technique on the volatile content of Ecuadorian bulk and fine-flavor cocoa

Cyntia Yadira Erazo Solorzano, Vincenzo Disca, José Manuel Muñoz-Redondo, Diego Armando Tuárez García, Mónica Sánchez-Parra, Manuel Danilo Carrilo Zenteno, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana

Foods 2023 12 (5) 1065

18) Potential of bioactive compounds derived from underutilized fruit-bearing plants: a comprehensive review

Inderjeet Kaur, Arun Dev Sharma, Mrinal Samtiya, Gema Pereira-Caro, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Tejpal Dhewa, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

European Food Research and Technology 2023 249 (3) 553-572

19) Potenciación y puesta en valor de la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples en el aula de tecnología y digitalización

Mariano González García

Libro: Educación, tecnología, innovación y transferencia del conocimiento. López Meneses, Eloy (coord.) Bernal Bravo, César (coord.). Editorial: Dykinson.Año de publicación: 2023. Páginas: 2437-2442. Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

ISBN: 978-84-1170-570-7. Año de publicación: 2023. Páginas: 2437-2442. Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Tira Cómica – Proyecto IMPESTIA

Presentación del equipo de trabajo del proyecto IMPESTIA

Descarga las siguientes historietas…


Publicaciones 2022

1) Behavior of the Uptake of Ibuprofen in Five Varieties of Horticultural Crops Irrigated with Regenerated Water

Mariano González García, Carmen Fernández-López

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2022, 108, 253-259.

2) Poster: Assessment of the differences in the phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and enzyme inhibition of monovarietal fig liqueurs elaborated with fruits and leaves

R. Rodríguez Solana, I. Mansinhos, L. Galego, A. Santos, J. M. Moreno Rojas, E. Pérez-Santín, A. Romano

The 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health

20-23 April 2022 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London. Link

3) Review: Presence, distribution and current pesticides used in Spanish agricultural practices

Mariano González García, José Ignacio López Sánchez, Kharla Andreina Segovia Bravo, María Dolores Cima Cabal and Efrén Pérez-Santín

Science of the Total Environment 2022, 845, 157291.

4) Repercusión en medios. Tesis: Composición química e capacidade antioxidante e productos obtidos de camelias de galicia

Deputación de Pontevedra. Faro de Vigo. Tribuna Salamanca. Consumidor Global. Acemelia. El Español. Cope. Faro de Vigo. Diario de Pontevedra.

5) The role of specific heat capacity on building energy performance and thermal discomfort

P. Muñoz, C. González, R. Recio, O. Gencel

Case Studies in Construction Materials 2022, 17, e01423.

6) Poster: Producción de té a partir de clones seleccionados de Camellia sinensis cultivadas en Galicia

C. Salinero, R. Barreiro, P. Vela, R. Rodríguez Solana y E. Pérez-Santín

X Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas

19-22 Septiembre 2022, Pazo da Cultura de Pontevedra. Link

7) Comunicación artículo y poster: Impacto del uso de productos fitosanitarios en cultivos. Análisis de la contaminación en suelos, ríos y entornos marinos

Mariano González García, Rosana González Combarros, José Ignacio López Sánchez y E. Pérez-Santín

CONAMA 2022 Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente

21-24 Noviembre 2022, IFEMA, Madrid.

Link: Comunicación

Link: Poster

8) Comunicación artículo: Tocopherol and antioxidant capacities from Camellia seed oil

Rocío Barreiro, Pilar Vela, Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Carmen Salinero, Efrén Pérez-Santín

International Camellia Congress, ICS 2023

26-28th on March 2023, Lake Maggiore, Italy. Link.

9) Comunicación artículo: Polyphenol composition of Spanish green tea

Rocío Barreiro, Pilar Vela, Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Carmen Salinero, Efrén Pérez-Santín

International Camellia Congress, ICS 2023

26-28th on March 2023, Lake Maggiore, Italy. Link.

10) Predicting the suitable fertilizer for cropbased on soil and environmental factors using various feature selection techniques with classifiers

Ganesan Mariammal, Andavar Suruliandi, Kharla Andreina Segovia-Bravo, Soosaimarian Peter Raja

Expert Systems 2022, e13024

11) Impact of Temperature on Phenolic and Osmolyte Contents in In Vitro Cultures and Micropropagated Plants of Two Mediterranean Plant Species, Lavandula viridis and Thymus lotocephalus

Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Luis Ordóñez-Díaz, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Plants 2022, 11 (24) 3516

12) Study of the influence of the fishing season and the storage temperature in the fishing vessel on the biogenic amine and volatile profiles in fresh yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and dry-cured mojama

Mónica Sánchez-Parra, Annalaura Lopez, José Manuel Muñoz-Redondo, José Carlos Montenegro-Gómez, Jesús Pérez-Aparicio, Gema Pereira-Caro, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, José Luis Ordóñez-Díaz

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2022, 114, 104845

13) Phenolic profiling and antioxidant capacity in agrifood products

Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Gema Pereira-Caro, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

Processes 2022, 10 (10) 1950

14) Response of Thymus lotocephalus In Vitro Cultures to Drought Stress and Role of Green Extracts in Cosmetics

Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Hugo Duarte, José Luis Ordóñez-Díaz, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Antioxidants 2022, 11 (8) 1475

15) Development of a methodology based on headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of esters in brandies

José Manuel Muñoz-Redondo, Manuel José Valcárcel-Muñoz, Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Belén Puertas, Emma Cantos-Villar, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2022, 108 104458


*) Sexenios de Investigación.

Este año hemos alcanzado 4 nuevos sexenios de investigación en el Grupo OCR. Enhorabuena!

José Ignacio López Sánchez (primer sexenio)

Mariano González García (primer sexenio)

Gerardo David Blanco Diaz (primer sexenio)

Efrén Pérez Santín (tercer sexenio)


Publicaciones año 2021

1) Influence of elaboration process on chemical, biological, and sensory characteristics of European pennyroyal liqueurs

Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Eduardo Esteves, Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Efrén Pérez-Santín, Ludovina Galego and Anabela Romano

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2021 (101) 4076-4089.

2) Toxicity prediction based on artificial intelligence: A multidisciplinary overview*

Efrén Pérez Santín, Raquel Rodríguez Solana, Mariano González García, María Del Mar García Suárez, Gerardo David Blanco Díaz, María Dolores Cima Cabal, José Manuel Moreno Rojas, José Ignacio López Sánchez

WIREs Computational Molecular Science 2021 (11) e1516, 1-32.

* Premio; Publicación de UNIR más citado en SCOPUS en 2021.

3) Artificial intelligence could be promising alternative to animal models

Jose Ignacio López Sánchez and Mariano González García

Advanced Science News; Feb 16, 2021 (Ed. Wiley)

Artificial intelligence could be promising alternative to animal models

4) Analysis of WWTPs technologies based on the removal efficiency of Pharmaceutical Activated Compounds for water reuse purposes. A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach

Carmen Fernández-López, Mariano González García and Juan Miguel Sánchez-Lozano

Journal of Water Process Engineering 2021 (42) 102098, 1-11.

5) Fast 1H-NMR Species Differentiation Method for Camellia Seed Oils Applied to Spanish Ornamentals Plants. Comparison with Traditional Gas Chromatography

Rocío Barreiro, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Leocadio Alonso, Carmen Salinero, José Ignacio López Sánchez and Efrén Pérez-Santín

Plants 2021 10(10) 1984, 1-18.

6) Camellia seed oils

Efrén Pérez-Santín

Scholarly Community Encyclopedia (2021) Article from

7) Poster: D-Pinitol: biological role elucidation by AI-based virtual docking (P35)

José Ignacio López Sánchez, Mariano González García, Ferrán Acuña Parés, and Efrén Pérez-Santín

4th RSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAG. Chemical Information and Computer Applications. Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry (2021)

27th-28th September 2021, Twitter

8) Oral:  e-QLearning: A New Open-Access Platform Design for Secondary Schools Quantum Computing Learning Online 

Raquel Pérez-Antón, Alberto Corbi Bellot and José Ignacio López Sánchez

Third International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, Virtual Workshop. HELMeTO 2021.

9th-10th September 2021. Pisa (Italy).


9) Proceedings: Catechin composition of C. sinensis plants cultivated in Galicia (NW Spain)

Barreiro, R., Pérez‑Santín, E., Salinero, M.C.

31th International Camellia Congress 2020, 250–257


10) Correction: D-pinitol, a highly valuable product from carob pods: Health-promoting effects and metabolic pathways of this natural super-food ingredient and its derivatives

José Ignacio López-Sánchez, Diego A. Moreno, Cristina García-Viguera

AIMS Agriculture and Food 2021 6 (2) 752-753

11) Impact of Metallic Nanoparticles on In Vitro Culture, Phenolic Profile and Biological Activity of Two Mediterranean Lamiaceae Species: Lavandula viridis L’Hér and Thymus lotocephalus 

Sandra Gonçalves, Inês Mansinhos, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Gema Pereira-Caro, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Molecules 2021 26 (21) 6427

12) Carob pulp: a nutritional and functional by-product worldwide spread in the formulation of different food products and beverages. A review

Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Anabela Romano, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas

Processes 2021 9(7) 1146

13) Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction and Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents Combination: A Green Strategy to Improve the Recovery of Phenolic Compounds from Lavandula pedunculata subsp. lusitanica (Chaytor) Franco

Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, José Luis Ordóñez-Díaz, José Manuel Moreno-Rojas, Anabela Romano

Antioxidants 2021 10(4) 582



Publicaciones año 2019

1) The influence of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the chemical composition and antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory capacities of carob liqueurs obtained with different elaboration techniques

Rodríguez-Solana, R., Coelho, N., Santos-Rufo, A., Gonçalves, S., Pérez-Santín, E., & Romano, A.

Antioxidants 2019, 8(11), 563.

2) Elicitation improves rosmarinic acid content and antioxidant activity in Thymus lotocephalus shoot cultures

Gonçalves, S., Mansinhos, I., Rodríguez-Solana, R., Pérez-Santín, E., Coelho, N., & Romano, A.

Industrial Crops and Products 2019, 137, 214-220.

3) Effect of carob variety and roasting on the antioxidant capacity, and the phenolic and furanic contents of carob liquors

Rodríguez‐Solana, R., Salgado, J. M., Pérez‐Santín, E., & Romano, A.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2019, 99(6), 2697-2707.

4) Diminishing cognitive capacities in an ever hotter world: evidence from an applicable power-law description

López-Sánchez, J. I., & Hancock, P. A.

Human factors 2019, 61(6), 906-919.

5) Predicting the uptake of emerging organic contaminants in vegetables irrigated with treated wastewater–implications for food safety assessment

Mariano González García, Carmen Fernández-López, Fabio Polesel and StefanTrapp

Environmental research 2019, 172, 175-181.

6) Extreme learning machine-based prediction of uptake of pharmaceuticals in reclaimed water-irrigated lettuces in the Region of Murcia, Spain

Mariano González García, CarmenFernández-López, Andrés Bueno-Crespo, and Raquel Martínez-España

Biosystems Engineering 2019, 177, 78-89.

7) Prediction of Uptake of Carbamazepine and Diclofenac in Reclaimed Water-Irrigated Lettuces by Machine Learning Techniques

Martínez-España, R., Bueno-Crespo, A., García, M. G., & Fernández-López, C.

Agriculture and Environment Perspectives in Itellignet Systems 2019, 24, 72-89.


8) Poster: Relationship between antioxidant activity and α-tocopherol content on Camellia seed oil

R. Barreiro, E. Pérez-Santín, M.C. Salinero

The 2nd Food Chemistry Conference (Elsevier)

17-19 September 2019 Seville, Spain

9) Poster: Production of rosmarinic acid by in vitro regenerated shoots of two Lamiaceae plant species

S. Gonçalves, I. Mansinhos, R. Rodríguez-Solana, E. Pérez-Santín, N. Coelho1, A. Romano

Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health (NatProdDDH) – PSE Meeting

28th-31th  July, 2019, Lisbon.

10) Poster y CL: Influence of traditional extraction techniques on chemical composition of Mentha pulegium liqueurs

Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Ludovina Galego, Inês Mansinhos, Sandra Gonçalves, Efrén Pérez-Santín, Anabela Romano


November 20-22, 2019, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (ISBN 978-84-09-16320-5).

11) Poster: Fatty Acid Profile of Cold-Pressed Camellia Seed Oil by 1H-NMR and GC/MS (Best Poster)

R. Barreiro, M.C. Salinero, E. Pérez-Santín P

Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology

September 20-22, 2018 in Rome, Italy

12) Poster: Differences in furanic and phenolic composition of Ceratonia siliqua L. liquors according to the roasting degree and variety of carob

Raquel Rodríguez-Solana, Efrén Pérez-Santín, Anabela Romano

Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology

September 20-22, 2018 in Rome, Italy

13) Production method and varietal source influence the volatile profiles of spirits prepared from fig fruits (Ficus carica L.)

Raquel Rodríguez‑Solana, Ludovina R. Galego, Efrén Pérez‑Santín, Anabela Romano

European Food Research and Technology 2018 244:2213–2229

14) Proceedings: Fatty acid composition of cold extracted virgin camellia seed oil from the NW Spain

Barreiro, R., Pérez‑Santín, E., Salinero, M.C.

30th International Camellia Congress 2018, 295–301


15) D-pinitol, a highly valuable product from carob pods: Health-promoting effects and metabolic pathways of this natural super-food ingredient and its derivatives

José Ignacio López-Sánchez, Diego A. Moreno, Cristina García-Viguer

AIMS Agriculture and Food 2018, 3 (1) 41-63


Tesis Doctoral

  1. Título: Composición química e capacidade antioxidante de produtos obtidos de camelias de galicia
    Título: Composición química y capacidad antioxidante de productos obtenidos de camelias de galicia
    Autor: Barreiro Rodríguez, Rocío
    Universidad: Universidade de Vigo
    Fecha de Lectura: 22/07/2022
    Programa de doctorado: Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Química
    Mención: Doctorado Industrial (Sobresaliente cum laude)
    Pérez Santín, Efrén
    Salinero Corral, Carmen



  1. Título: Pseudopolimorfismo en el macrolido semisintetico azitromicina
    Autor: Montejo Bernardo, Jose Manuel
    Universidad:Universidad de Oviedo
    Fecha de Lectura:27/03/2006
    Programa de doctorado: Química Física Y Analítica
    Garcia Granda, Santiago
    Bayod Jasanada, Miguel



  1. Título: Síntesis de nuevas familias de 1,4-benzodiazepinas y estudio de sus actividades farmacológicas
    Autor:Alonso Díaz, Edgar
    Fecha de Lectura:19/09/2005
    Programa de doctorado: Química Orgánica E Inorgánica
    Aznar Gómez, Fernando
    Bayod Jasanada, Miguel


  1. Título: Desarrollo de métodos cromatográficos para el control de procesos de productos farmacéuticos
    Autor: Laviana Gonzalez, Luis
    Fecha de Lectura:12/12/2003
    Programa de doctorado: Química Física Y Analítica
    Blanco Gomis, Domingo
    Bayod Jasanada, Miguel
