Artículos del grupo

 The role of education in doping prevention

  • En: Pedro Manonelles Marqueta & Carmen Daniela Quero Calero (Eds.). Prevention measures. Against doping. (pp. 91-99). Barcelona: Esmon Publicidad, S.A. 978-84-19264-24-4 (2023).

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Leiva, A., Martínez-Castro, SM y Sánchez-Pato, A. (

The Transition from Sport to the Sport Technology-Oriented Business: A Pathway for the Dual Career of the Student-Athlete

  • En: Maciá, MJ., Morales, T., Meroño, L., Sánchez-Pato, A. y García, JA. (Eds.). A holistic aproach to the dual career of the student-athlete.  (pp. 55-68). Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, S.L. DOI: 10.14679/2135 (2023).

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Maciá-Andreu, MJ., Hernández-Guardiola, C., Leiva-Arcas, A., Cánovas-Álvarez, FJ., Toro Prieto-Puga, S., Sánchez-Pato, A. & García-Roca, JA

Perceived Barriers to Dual Career Success and the Importance of Athlete Identity in Dual Career Student-Athletes with Disability

  • En: Maciá, MJ., Morales, T., Meroño, L., Sánchez-Pato, A. y García, JA. (Eds.). A holistic aproach to the dual career of the student-athlete. (pp. 111-126). Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, S.L. 978-84-1170-486-1 DOI: 10.14679/2138 (2023).

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Leiva-Arcas, A., Maciá-Andreu, MJ., Meroño, L., García-Roca, JA., Abenza-Cano, L., Díaz-Aroca, A., Cánovas-Álvarez, FJ., Sánchez-Pato, A., Delgado, M. & -Cristóbal, R.

Empowering Excellence: AI-Enhanced Tutorship for Student Athletes in Higher Education

  • En: Maciá, MJ., Morales, T., Meroño, L., Sánchez-Pato, A. y García, JA. (Eds.). Aholistic aproach to the dual career of the student-athlete. (pp. 213-234).  Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, S.L. 978-84-1170-486-1 DOI: 10.14679/2144 (2023).

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Isidori, E., Martínez-Castro, SM. y Sánchez-Pato, A.

Efficacy of European Sport Tutorship model (ESTPORT) in the dual career of athletes in Spain


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Conde, E., Martínez, LM., Leiva, A., García, JA. & Sánchez-Pato, A.