Artículos del grupo
The lived experience of a primary physical education teacher educator engaging in action research: cycling into change
- Irish Educational Studies. ver más
Macken, S., MacPhail, A., &Calderón, A.
Physical education teachers’ reality and experience from teaching during a pandemic
- Sport, Education and Society. ver más
López-Fernández, I., Gil-Espinosa, F. J., Burgueño, R., and Calderón, A.
Seizing the opportunity to redesign physical education teacher education: blending paradigms to create transformative experiences in teacher education
- Sport, Education and Society, 28(2), 159-172. ver más
Calderón, A., & MacPhail, A.
A holistic aproach to the dual career of the student-athlete
- Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, S.L. DOI: 10.14679/2135 (2023).
Maciá, MJ., Morales, T., Meroño, L., Sánchez-Pato, A. y García, JA. (Eds.)
Introduction to the dual career of student-athletes
- En Alejandro Leiva, Tom Comyns y Häkon Ege (Eds.). European Handbook “Para-Limits, Dual Career, Disability and Sport” (pp. 35-61). . Murcia: UCAM Servicio de Publicaciones. 978-84-18579-46-2 (2023).
Maciá, MJ., Leiva, A., Meroño, L., Abenza, L., Vaquero, R., Díaz, A., Cánovas, FJ., Roca, JA. y Sánchez-Pato, A.
- Sport, Education and Society, 28(2), 159-172. ver más
- Sport, Education and Society. ver más